by magnus | Sep 12, 2013 | FAQ
It is often said that the United States is the “freest” country in the world, a believe held by many, in particular within the United States. This believe was shattered when Edward Snowden leaked classified information detailing the NSA’s broad...
by magnus | Aug 5, 2013 | FAQ
Recent revelations have shown Big Brother is watching. Secretly and unconstitutionally collected and archived in a secret data centers, the NSA has it all. No matter who or where you are, no matter how you communicate or with whom, the NSA probably has a copy of it....
by andre | Jul 29, 2013 | FAQ
You may not know as many secrets as Edward Snowden or be worried about Uncle Sam reading your Facebook posts, but if you’ve ever checked your email over a morning latte at Starbucks, tried to watch your favorite television show on your laptop while vacationing...
by Michael Allen | Jul 4, 2013 | FAQ
For most people this question can easily be answered with an emphatic yes. Before you start screaming at me in the comments read on… The question “Is HidMyAss safe” is too vague to answer definitively, because it all hinges on your definition of...
by James Gomez | Jun 18, 2013 | FAQ
HMA Pro VPN is all over. If you are looking for a VPN you will have seen the name. HMA Pro VPN (or hidemyass) is the largest provider on the market. It has thousands of VPN servers and IP addresses, but is HMA Pro VPN any good? The answer depends on what you are...