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Is HideMyAss Safe?

Is HideMyAss Safe?

For most people this question can easily be answered with an emphatic yes. Before you start screaming at me in the comments read on… The question “Is HidMyAss safe” is too vague to answer definitively, because it all hinges on your definition of...
Is HMA Pro VPN any good?

Is HMA Pro VPN any good?

HMA Pro VPN is all over. If you are looking for a VPN you will have seen the name. HMA Pro VPN (or hidemyass) is the largest provider on the market. It has thousands of VPN servers and IP addresses, but is HMA Pro VPN any good? The answer depends on what you are...
Best VPN Discount: PureVPN Birthday Offer

Best VPN Discount: PureVPN Birthday Offer

We have good news for VPN shoppers who missed the VPN Christmas sales. PureVPN, one of the leading VPN vendors, is having a huge promotion to celebrate its 6 years in business. For a limited time, you can save 65% of their regular price and get one year unlimited,...
Why You Should Use No Log VPN

Why You Should Use No Log VPN

Most Internet users know what a VPN is and why people are using one – to increase security and privacy online. Every VPN will encrypt your Internet connection and hide your activities from prying eyes, but you might be unaware that not all of them will...
Will Copyright Alert System Effect You?

Will Copyright Alert System Effect You?

The Copyright Alert System went into effect Monday February 25th, 2013. The Copyright Alert System is an effort by copyright holders, mainly the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association Of America (MPAA) to curb copyright...
VPN @ Starbucks not working

VPN @ Starbucks not working

The Problem This morning I read news that VPN is no longer working at Starbucks. This may not be a news to many people but certainly is important to me; Since I use public Wi-Fi a lot so I always make sure to use VPN mainly to avoid packet sniffer such as: Firesheep....
VPN Stopped Working at Public Wi-Fi

VPN Stopped Working at Public Wi-Fi

You are connected to public Wi-Fi, started your VPN everything looks good, but then nothing loads? Great ! My VPN works well at home, but right now I really need it. I need to run my business, use confidential login information, and sure don’t want everyone else to...
UK ISPs Block File Sharing Sites

UK ISPs Block File Sharing Sites

The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) – now why do I always think Pornographic? – successfully forced UK based ISPs to block the popular file sharing site ThePirateBay and is working on blocking additional sites soon. While ISPs are forced to comply with...